Technology is taking over the world fastly. Technology has made our lives easier than before. Innovations in technology are still going on to a greater extent. Till now we have seen innovations in different sectors such as automobile, industry, machinery, smartphones, and so on. Now is the time to make innovation in the field of education.
DukeNUS Medical School is working to provide technology enhanced learning singapore to explore and design technology in the greater aspect of education.
Technology-Based Learning:
To sustain the future generation with knowledge and skills, the information provided to them should be accurate, up-to-date, and quickly available. DukeNUS medical school is focused on providing technology-based learning by developing analytical skills in the students.
Technology is such a powerful tool that transforms and supports education in so many ways, technology makes teaching easier. As the internet has reached the world, the new age of education is dawning everywhere.
Why DukeNUS?
DukeNUS medical school provides a graduate entry with US-style teaching in the medical school. It provides a platform for the critical learning environment that helps to prepare the doctors who can transform the practices of medicines and improve the lifestyle. It trains individuals to work on skill development to practice and improve the practice of medicine.